Restarting the Hak4Kidz in-person events inspired me to create a learn to solder badge to restart the kidz skillz. So we are all on the same page, this is a kit that is not assembled. Tools such as a soldering iron, solder, soldering iron cleaner, wire cutters, isopropyl alcohol (for cleaning) are required to assemble this kit. The badge has a QR code for you to use in order to get the instructions for assembly. That's half the fun!
The circuit includes two RGB LEDS and three potentiometers for you to fidget away the day changing the color of Tinker's eyes. Tinker is Hak4Kidz gender neutral robot, (pronouns it/them).
An optional SAO connector is included for you to bling out a badge from a conference such as DEFCON. Remember to remove the battery when mounted as an SAO, otherwise the CR2032 battery will remain in use. Power switch also needs to be in the ON position.
Kit Includes: Artistic Circuit Board, Hak4Kidz Branded Lanyard, RGB LEDs (2), Resistors (3), Potentiometers (3), Switch, SAO Connector, Battery Holder, and a Battery.